Digging In with Steadfast Faith
Are you digging in and standing steadfast in your faith?
Even if you have a bad day, never stop praying!
A Ministry of Hope & Healing
Are you digging in and standing steadfast in your faith?
Even if you have a bad day, never stop praying!
Being, Believing & Revealing… “I Walk in the Presence of the Light and I AM not Afraid!”* Hello Kindred Souls, This is a trying time of being in our lives. …
“It is time to grow up and step out in total faith, leaving behind all that was.” Tune in for this week’s powerful message…
The Key to Healing on All Levels is Faith… “It was by their faith that people of ancient times won God’s approval and it is by faith that we understand …
Is Your Faith Being Tested? Mine Is… After putting the finishing touches on yesterday’s podcast, “Hear My Cry”, I heard these words, “Thy Faithfulness.” I knew I had to share …
“Trust in the Lord; help others. Dwell in the land and cultivate faithfulness.” (Ps. 37)
“By stretching your faith, you have the ability to see beyond the finish line. There is no competition with infinity or divinity.”
“Hearing the truth and believing in God’s ‘Good’ is ¾ of one’s spiritual journey; the remainder of the equation requires Faith.”
“I am your long-time companion. My faithfulness and mercy stirs within you.”