“Let every thought and every act express your unwavering faith!”
A Ministry of Hope & Healing
“Fruitfulness and faithfulness go hand in hand, according to God’s plan!”
“Life is about building your faith; one lesson at a time.”
“Go deep. Let go of the net that clouds your doubt. Have faith that I have something better in store for you than you could hope for.”
“Have you set the ‘Cornerstone of Faith’ for your new foundation?”
“Never falter, go forward so boldly, so unafraid. I am beside you to help and strengthen you.” (GC) Click on Be Brave to follow the rest of this message!
“When the sun seems to no longer shine in our lives, this is the moment to cling to God.” Click on Expect, Receive & Believe for the rest of this …
“It is by faith we understand that the universe was created by God’s word, so that what can be seen was made out of what cannot be seen.”* Awakening the …
“Your faith = 100% trusting me and is proportionate to the blessings I bestow upon you.”* Awakening the Inner Ticker of Life, pg. 54