Beyond the Pulpit…
“So, our dear brothers and sisters, in the midst of all our distress and difficulties; your steadfastness of faith has greatly encouraged our hearts.” (1Th.3:7)
Hello Kindred Soul’s,
Have you been dealing with trauma in your life? Has it knocked you off your center?
Stand firm and keep your eyes on Jesus, the perfecter of life, “Look away from the natural realm, as we fasten our gaze onto Jesus who birthed faith within us and who leads us forward into faith’s perfection.” (Heb. 12:12) In our weakness, Christ makes us strong.
First Things First: We have to dig in with steadfast faith, “So be made strong even in your weakness by lifting up your tired hands in prayer” and gratitude.
“Memories from the past collide with trauma in the present, stirring emotions and distorting one’s understanding of truth; by wearing away the lining of the soul, robbing one of peace.”*
Into the Garden…
Bleeding Heart is an awesome beauty that has been part of my garden for many seasons. Each year, it produces flowers that remind me; in spite of life’s trials, if I raise up my hands in faith, God will reach back when I need him most.
“Even when it seems I’m surrounded by many liars and my own fears, and though I’m hurting in my suffering and trauma, I still stay faithful to God and speak words of faith.” (Ps. 116)
Connect with the Inner Ticker of Life…
Tune into “Digging In with Steadfast Faith” for the rest of today’s message. At the end of the podcast, I will be praying with you…
Keep in Touch: I Want to Hear From You!
*Awakening the Inner Ticker of Life
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