Running with the Pack In Heaven
When we lose a pet, we lose a member of our family. The pain is very deep and real, “I am burdened and broken by this pain!” (Ps. 69) Often people don’t understand your grief, thinking “well it’s just a dog or a cat.”
Your pet was a companion on the journey with you. She/he entertained, comforted; and at times, may have frustrated you, but they always loved you.
And – just as we love our critters, God loves all his creatures, great and small. Your beloved pet has a special place in God’s heart and is safe in his care.
A private memorial or a gathering with friends and family will give you the opportunity to say goodbye. Memories shared with others help to lighten the load and open the door for healing.
My first memorial service was for a friend who lost her horse. She was devastated and asked me to help her say goodbye. The service brought her comfort and a way to begin the grieving process.
If you have suffered such a loss, I understand! If you would like to have a memorial service for your pet, I will work with you.
If you need prayer, Contact Me
Virtual services are always an option if you live outside my traveling area.
Visit Celebrations of Life for other personalized ceremonies.
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