“You’re only truly happy when you walk in total integrity, walking in the light of God’s Word.” (Ps. 119)
In 2013, I was given this prophetic message by someone I respect and trust:
“I have given you a new anointing. Take up your mantle and walk in my work. You have to walk everything out. When someone asks you to pray, use your own prayers, backed up with My Word (Holy Scripture).”
Many of us have good intentions when ministering to others. We feel we can be of some assistance; hoping those in need will be comforted, blessed and healed by the prayers or inspirations we pass on while interceding on their behalf.
Going back to the prophetic message, here is a question to ponder:
“Am I walking in the work with God, by walking everything out, or am I relying on my own power?”
A dear friend, who has since passed on, described it to me this way:
“Are you walking your talk or just giving lip service?”
Diving Deeper….
My friend went on to explain:
“People, who are supposed to be learning to love one another, all in the name of God say, “I am very religious. However, I don’t like her or him, but I am very honorable, because I believe.” Does this ring a bell?
A Moment of Truth & Discernment…
Each being on the planet has to walk her/his own road and not someone else’s.
“If you don’t walk in the direction of your belief, you have no belief; regardless of one’s denomination or station in life.”
“Walking in His Work” allows us to be in sync with God’s Love. We move beyond going through the motions and giving lip service, and into the action of blessing another.
“My child, never drift off course from these two goals for your life: to walk in wisdom and to discover discernment. Don’t ever forget how they empower you.” (Pro. 3:21)
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