Our Father’s Hope

“You are our God, in you we trust!”

This morning during prayer, just as I was preparing to receive the “Meal That Heals”, I received this vision…

Clouds were breaking up, like they do after a storm has passed. The heavens stretched a bit and through the cracks came the “Ahova Light”, pouring down upon the earth.

As I was praying with my arms open wide, I realized I was not alone. I was surrounded by many beings with arms held us high; all standing with me, as I recited the Lord’s Prayer.


In this New Year, we need to stand tall, in spite of what we see or hear; step up and rise against the darkness that wants to drag us down.

Be courageous – We are not alone…

We have the Holy Spirit, “The Inner Ticker of Life” and our Jesus, “The Light of the World” to pave the way!

Take comfort that “Our Father in Heaven“ puts His angels in charge of us to protect us wherever we go.

This is not the first time I’ve had this vision. It is a message to pay attention and take consolation in “Our Father’s Hope”, the one who does not leave us nor forsake us.

“Keep us safe from the evil one!”

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