We have made our way into Jerusalem.
It is a bit warm and the road is dusty.
The table is within view, but not everyone is convinced about the guy riding in on the donkey.
As we get closer to this scene; there are those who stay on the outer edge of the circle, living on the bank, not much hope; always on the outside looking in.
Some of the caravan will step in a bit closer; their curiosity has been sourced. They remain pensive.
The next group is those who crossed his path in earlier, along the way. They are not quite sure whether or not to step in closer to the fray. Tensions are mounting.
Finally, we have the inner circle; members of the family who remain dedicated to the cause.
The friends; well some of them are nervous. They doubt the process.
The weather is beginning to change. The sun has gone behind the clouds.
A storm is coming.
As this Holy Week progresses; in secret, battle lines are being drawn.
Where will you be standing when he passes by?
The final decision will be to love or to hate.
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