Lent – Week 5: Bringing It All to the Table 2013

We are presented with a poignant moment as we enter the scene of John’s Gospel, Chapter 8; Jesus is writing something on the ground.

Not only did Jesus know the shortcomings of every person present, he was also giving us a glimpse of our own sin in life.

As Jesus prepares for his entry into Jerusalem for Passover, many will be silently displaying what is deep within their own hearts and cemented in the spirit.

Some will turn away from the Light of Christ as he passes by; seeing him as a nuisance, wanting him out of their sights so they can continue with the secret life each has chosen. They are a reflection of rejection, condemnation, addiction, abuse and selfishness.

There will be others who welcome the Christ, saying:”Hosanna”, but they will still have a bit of apprehension, not sure what to make of this prophet from Galilee. Fear is still hanging on the clothes line not quite yet dry.

Only a handful of souls caught the vision way back then, having the courage to change and this holds true today.

What about you? Where do you fit?

When we look at Lent, many asked this question, “What shall I give up during these next forty days?” It is easy, once the season is over, you can take back whatever you gave up; and pick it up with more obsession and commitment than ever before.

Now here we are, ever closer to the table.

The inner question now is not “What I want to give up, but, what do I want to really want to change about myself long-term?” Reflect and Pray!

See you in Jerusalem!

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