God Provides All Our Needs


Ask and it shall be given. Seek and you will find it.” (Matt. 7)

I believe what grows closest to us is what we need the most.

My garden is comprised of medicinal herbs and plants that can be transformed into tinctures, teas, salves, oils, flower essences and food.

About a month ago, I was cleaning the sand off my dog before she came into the house. She’s a real hound dog who loves to lay and dig in the dirt. As I was wiping her with a dry cloth, I felt a growth. My heart sank.

I am fortunate to have a holistic vet who believes in alternative therapies and I took her suggestions.

The following weekend, I attended a plant sale at the local garden club. This is a place where I find indigenous plants and other treasures to add to God’s Garden.

I allowed the Spirit to lead me as I walked around the nursery.

I was looking for specific plant and asked one of the volunteers, “Do you have any wild violet plants?” He said, “Follow me.”

We went into the botanical garden that is attached to the nursery. Right in front of me was a line of violets. He told me a little story about how the plants got from his garden to the botanical garden. He dug up a bunch of violet plants and said to me, “I don’t know what to charge you for this. What is it worth to you?” I told him it was gold. He smiled.

I explained to him I wanted to have fresh “Aunt Violet” for my dog, as part of her healing regiment.

I paid for the plants and left an extra donation. I have learned we have to keep on giving, until God stops giving to us. Of course, God will never stop blessing us.

As I took the plants out of the back of my car, I had a small window of time before going to my next commitment. I felt compelled to spend a few moments giving thanks for the blessings I received.

I am in awe that God does for me what I cannot do for myself. God knows what I need, when I need it and will do the same for you!

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