Eternal Shelter

“Eternal God is my refuge; underneath are everlasting arms.” (Deu. 33)

God’s arm symbolizes protection and strength. In times of distress or uncertainty, we go to our God when needing shelter from the storm.

We are sometimes confused as how to proceed; making the mistake of running ahead of God and engaging in a battle that is not ours to fight.

The inability to let go stems from our own shortcomings and lack of trust, “Flee from the things which flee from thee.”*

Spiritual development means the skill to “stand still or step aside” and let God do the heavy lifting, “Seek nothing, fortune seeketh thee.”

Brother Roger shares his experience of visiting with a gentle soul who dealt with a complex situation; remaining hopeful in the face of great tribulation:

“When I enter my bedroom in the evening, I leave my worries at the door and I say, ‘See you tomorrow!’”

The Eternal Arm of God covers us. We leave Christ standing guard and gently let go…

“Behold his shadow on the floor. Behold him standing at the door.”

*Florence Scovel Shinn

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