Bending with the Wind
Like the plants, we can bend with the winds of life and not break down.
So, whatever you are going through, hang in there!
A Ministry of Hope & Healing
Like the plants, we can bend with the winds of life and not break down.
So, whatever you are going through, hang in there!
Beyond the Pulpit… “God will be your guard and send his angels with special orders to protect you wherever you go.” (Ps. 34 & 91) Hello Kindred Soul’s, For the …
“God is the Defense of My Life.” (Ps. 27) “Get set free from worry. Even the hairs of your head have all been counted. So , do not be afraid. …
“The Lord is your guardian; shade at your right side. The sun will not ravage you by day; nor the moon by night. You are protected from all evil; he preserves …
“God is our creator, sustainer and constant companion.”
“Love One Another as I Have Loved You and Still Do!” On this ‘Son Day for Sunday’, we continue our journey together; exploring the “Breastplate of Righteousness.” What does this …
Put that helmet on. Take care to cover those sensitive areas. Watch your thoughts. Follow this teaching, click on the Helmet of Hope below ..
“Christ is our anchor in a waiting storm. He draws us to him; in hope and trust.”
“I am the wings that protect you; the foundation beneath your feet.”
“Stay out of the fray. Don’t step into the fire, not for anyone.”