“All who journey from one beginning to another, in a life of communion with Jesus do not focus on their own progress or backsliding. By day and by night, the Gospel seed, placed in the depths of their being sprouts and grows.” (Bro. Roger, Peace of Heart in All Things, pg. 26)
Something is happening out there. I have seen signs of these subtle changes in my garden and in my life.
This season, the Lemon plants are all in bloom, an anomaly. In the past, one or two plants would bloom and the others would remain dormant, as if they were asleep, “The dawn has secrets to tell you, don’t go back to sleep.”
As we prepare to fix our eyes on Jerusalem as a respite stop, we are not to become distracted by wandering from the path which leads to hope and truth.
Look, a victorious rider is on the horizon. The people are cutting palms, laying them down on the path. The palms are like hands waving; flowing in the breeze, a sign of victory. “After these things I looked, and behold, a great multitude, which no man could count, out of every nation and of all tribes, stood before the throne with palm branches in their hands.” (Rev. 7:9)
“So take my hand in silence, in goodness and in faith. Never despair again about your long due wait.” (DMOL, Patricia A. Zorn, pg. 57)
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