Pushing Against the Tide
“Don’t Push Against the Tide, Roll with It!” Everything happens in God’s time for a reason. We can either push against the tide of life or step aside and let …
A Ministry of Hope & Healing
“My sorrow is stirred. My heart is searing within. How long must I endure?” (Ps. 39)
The Spiritual Call is all about God’s Divine Timing; growing where one is planted and preparing for the next leg of the journey.
“Whoever drinks of the water that I give her/him will never be thirsty again.” (Jn.4) The Spiritual Call is all about God’s Divine Timing; growing where one is planted and …
“Those who follow God, do so in Spirit and Truth.”(Jn.4). For more on this Son Day for Sunday message, click on Plan
“Allow my time to be your time, keep pace with me.” (PAZ) Yearning comes from knowing; all is coming to pass as it is, “In My Time.” You are impatient …
The old time hymn, “Mine eyes have seen the glory of the coming of the Lord.” Watch today what is coming; on earth as it is in heaven and be …