Point Me in the Right Direction

Lead me in the way you want me to go…

“Who is leading the way?”

Prophetic Passage:

Inserting yourself into a situation that is not yours to bear or to share out of love or fear; creating a sense of chaos within.

Has the Lord called you to follow in this way; to carry on? Have you appointed yourself as the one ‘in charge?’

Each being has her/his own journey and sometimes it is necessary to get out of the way and remember…

“I will lead you in the way you need to go.”

Rev. Patty’s Inspiration Station Podcast

Psalms of Hope:

God is in charge and on the case…

“His massive arms are wrapped around you, protecting you. You can run under his covering of majesty and hide. His arms of faithfulness are a shield keeping you from harm.” (Ps. 91)

Prayer of the Week:

Who stands at the head of the line? Is God first in your life? Ponder these questions as we continue our journey together.

“Lord, show me thyself is a cry that never goes unanswered.” (GAE)

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