My Thoughts – My Ways

“My thoughts are not your thoughts.” (Is. 55)

Jesus spoke many times about dissension, “Every kingdom having been divided against or any group splintered by feuding is doomed to fall apart.” (Mt. 12:25)

When others would rather focus on the problem instead of the solution, one is forced to step out of the line of fire and move on.

Don’t get distracted. Listen to the Spirit:

Build up and edify your Spirit, always through the reinforcement of the word in a positive form; whether taken from scripture or another source in order. Rebuild after adversity. Have faith in the midst of turmoil.

A Solution:

“Truly man’s thoughts are not God’s thoughts, nor man’s ways, God’s ways. When you seek to follow Me in all; it frequently means a complete reversion of the way of the world you have hitherto followed. Reversion leads to boundless happiness and peace.” (GC)

 “My ways are not your ways, but they can be!” (Is. 55)

*God Calling

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