Jesus’ Love Letter Part 2 – Freedom

Welcome to Prophetic Passages and Week 2 of Jesus’ Love Letter featured here on Rev. Patty’s Inspiration Station.

Our theme for 2018 is “Set Free” and today, those who reside in the US celebrate this day as ‘Independence Day.’

For each being, the idea of freedom has a special meaning.

 Jesus said, “You have been silent captives in this world, but no more. It is not necessary for you to be in bondage or chains. I have come to bring Light into your world, so you will be set free.”

Let’s return to Jesus’ Love Letter. This is the passage that resonated with my Spirit earlier today:

“You awakened this morning and rushed off for the day.  My tears were in the rain.”

As tears in life come, we look for a release whether it is spiritual, emotional or physical; a reprieve to take a deep breath and start over.

I begin each day, spending time with God before embarking upon the world or speaking to another. It brings me great comfort and focus when my tears are in the rain.

Jesus was distressed when asking about his friend Lazarus who passed away, “Where did you put Lazarus? They answered him, ‘Lord, come and see.’ Jesus wept.” (John 11:34-35) 

In the act of letting go, we have one to catch our tears; providing comfort and hope.

Enjoy today!

“Whom the Light of the World sets Free, is really Free indeed!”

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