In My Time!

“Allow my time to be your time, keep pace with me.” (PAZ)

Yearning comes from knowing; all is coming to pass as it is, “In My Time.”

You are impatient believing there is not enough time, but there is; life is eternal.

Don’t give up before the miracle happens by manifesting fear. Dig deep for your faith, it’s in there.

I AM calling you out of the depths of Egypt; switching from unconsciousness into consciousness; moving from darkness into My Light.

You are called in this new time to let go of all that has nothing to do with your life’s journey and move on.

I AM the master designer. I have a plan and a purpose for you. Follow my direction and all will be well. I have brought you out of the pit to live and find joy.

See with vision, clarity and purpose; leaving the results and divine timing in my hands.

“Yahweh will keep your going out and your coming in; from this time forward and forever more.” (Ps. 121)

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