”This is the way God wants it done; you won’t be under nearly as much stress.” (Ex. 18) The planet is shaky. The general agitation that everyone feels is due …
A Ministry of Hope & Healing
“Lord and Holy Protector, like the disciples who were caught in their tiny boat in the midst of a mighty storm, we come to beg Your Help. We are fearful …
“When these things begin to happen, stand up tall and don’t be afraid.” “Amazing things will happen to the sun, moon, and stars. And people all over the earth will …
When you look at what is going around you, in your nation, everything is symbolic in nature to her/his relationship with me. Areas of the earth are shaking and breaking …
Red Clover is not only a wonderful herb, but is also used as a flower essence. Flower Essences are holy waters from God’s garden that work on the emotional and …
A tide has been turned and the earth changes that have been written and spoken about are now in motion for all to see, feel and hear. Some of the …
The “Light of Love” is what connects you to your own awareness of God through prayer. It is through your connection in prayer, one imagines a soft golden light, (the …
There is no separation in time or being. Last week, I encouraged each of you to “Go Deep”, take a moment and reflect on that inner most part of your …