A Bold Beginning
“You know there are resistances within us. Give us the boldness to leap over these walls; to dare to renew again and again, the gift of our life.”
A Ministry of Hope & Healing
“You know there are resistances within us. Give us the boldness to leap over these walls; to dare to renew again and again, the gift of our life.”
If my spiritual foundation is shaken what shall I do… “In Adonai, I have taken shelter and my soul flies high to His mountain. God’s home is in heaven. His …
“Do not falter in the face of hardships. Live in the world, regardless of chaos and be calm. The Lord will give strength to his children and bless them with …
To All Faint Hearts… “Have Courage and Be Not Afraid!” Be brave and steadfast, have no fear of another. Yahweh is the one who marches with you. He will never …
“Fear Not, Peace Be with You; Be Strong and of Good Courage.” (Dan. 10) If you are struggling a bit, I am sharing an excerpt taken from Positive Christianity: Say …
“Do not be dismayed nor discouraged; God Is, no matter what!”
“We face our adversities with courage and hope. God does not abandon us in our hour of need.”
“Stand still and let the debris field flow around you.”
“Fear nothing; have courage for I bring you relief. I AM your refuge and your fortress.”
“You no longer need the crutches of life; throw them out!”