Blessing of the Animals

“Lord, make me an instrument of your peace; where there is despair that I may bring hope!”

St. Francis of Assisi went from living a life of privilege, to living a life of poverty and simplicity. He abandoned his life to Christ, in service.

As a result of Francis’ transformation, he began to open his heart to many things. He became a lover of God’s divine design and had a great affinity for all of God’s creatures.

Blessing of the Animals Prayer:

There are no limitations in heaven; God is always listening…

Find what works for you; you can lay hands on your beloved pet or extend your hands out to pray from a distance, and recite prayer below…

 “I pray that all four-legged, winged ones and other critters be blessed this day.

May they have perfect health and happiness; as they spread their love, no matter where they roam!

Lord, if any of these precious creatures are in search of a ‘forever’ home; help them find the right sacred space where they will be loved and cared for.

In Jesus’ name, we pray, Amen!”

(PAZ 2021)

Pass on the love and share this prayer with another kindred soul and as always, Be Blessed!

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