Justice or Judgment…
Psalms of Hope:
“Listen to me, Lord. Hear my passionate prayer and my cry for justice! My cause is just and my need is real. I’ve done what’s right and my lips speak your truth.” (Psa. 17:1)
Connect with the Inner Ticker of Life:
Son Day Message:
“Since each of you are part of God’s family never complain or grumble about each other so that judgment will not come on you, for the true Judge is near and very ready to appear!” (Jas.5:9)
Kindred Soul:
We all come from different spaces and places…
“Consider where you are in your life right now. Are you in a situation where you are acting as a judge? Is the person or persons you are interacting with guilty or innocent? Do you need to forgive another?”
Closing Passage:
Jesus said, “I certainly don’t condemn you either. Go, and from now on, be free.” (Jn. 8:11)
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