Allow the Water of God’s Blessing to Wash Over You

Today is the Feast Day of the Transfiguration of Jesus and what a glorious day it is indeed.

Why is the Transfiguration so important to seekers of the Way?

When we progress spiritually, we have the ability to stand in the light and allow the water of God’s blessings wash over us.

As Jesus stood with his friends on Mount Tabor, he is suddenly transformed into the illumination of Christ as the Light. “As they looked on, a change came over Jesus, and his clothes became shining white—whiter than anyone in the world could wash them.”

As I was sitting quietly contemplating the Transfiguration, I heard a faint sound of rain on my roof.

I looked out the window. The sun was out and it was raining. There was no thunder or lightning, just a quiet rain.

In our section of the world we call this a “Sun Shower”, a wonderful phenomena of renewal.

My spirit pushed me to go outside and I listened.

As I stepped out the door, I looked up at the sun with my arms stretched out.

I was standing in the Light, just as Jesus’ friends did all those years ago.

The rain gently fell. There was a hint of gray, white and blue accompanying the sun in the sky.

I let go. In the moment I felt the presence of God wash over me.

Transfiguration is not about where we are in life, but who we aspire to become.

Sometimes we have to climb up to the top of the mountain in order to find a new path.

On this special day, “Allow the Water of God’s Blessing to Wash Over You” and enfold you in the Light of God’s Love!

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