You Know the Way!

“I have set before you an open door that no one can shut.”

I am showing you the way. The time to arise is here.

You have been given a new pair of shoes, put them on. Aren’t they a comfy fit?

Now, stand tall. You are ready!

Honor the truth that stirs within. I will direct you in the way to go, from this point forward.

Today, we begin a new race together.

Just as in heaven there are many doors and mansions, so it is here. I will open many new doors that lead into new abodes/mansions; the choices abound.

Choose wisely, as if you were picking produce at the market. There is a great harvest bearing fruit right now.

A way is being made, as we speak.

Get moving and break in those new shoes.

I am a bit ahead of you on the trail, but I will wait for you.

“I am the Way!”

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