Beyond the Pulpit…
Do you want to walk in the Light of Christ’s presence?
“In His Presence is Power.”*
My Precious Child:
“Walk with with me.
Live in the light of my presence and power.
Lean on me. I am the source of your strength.
I made you in the beginning and continue to rebuild, repair and restore you, daily.
Follow Me – “Walk in the Light of My Presence!”
“Seek more of his strength! Seek more of him! Let’s always be seeking the light of his face.” (Ps. 105:4)
“Breathe in the holy and breathe out distress.
Breathe in the holy and breathe out the mess.
Breathe in my presence; breathe in my peace.
Breathe in my presence, I bring relief!”
Into the Garden…
This week, meet our Baby Tomatoes. Check out today’s podcast & find out why these babies are so resilient.
“Showing no concern for the uncertainties that lie ahead is the secret of walking with Jesus.” (Utmost)
Connect with the Inner Ticker of Life…
Tune into today’s podcast, “Walk in the Light of Your Presence” for the rest of today’s message.
Keep in Touch: I Want to Hear From You!
*Awakening the Inner Ticker of Life
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