The Compassionate Heart of Christ – Lent-Week 2

Beyond the Pulpit…

Welcome Kindred’s,

“Are your shoes waterproof? We have to ‘go’ in order to grow.”*

Take advantage of this ever-changing Lenten season; a time of deep reflection and a time to heal.

Jesus is whispering to us, “Let those who have ears to hear, hear!”

As we enter the 2nd week of our journey; be aware, there may be unsettled spots along the path,“Be prepared to step into life and step out with Christ, welcoming the next leg of the journey.”*

Here is a question to ponder and we will discuss it again during the podcast:

“Holy Spirit, how do the scars of humiliation and rejection close off my heart, and interrupt the flow of hope between us?”

Think about it and don’t give up, no matter what!

Rev. Patty

Inspiration station

“Keep up the momentum; you are running the race with me.

I have a plan and a path for you to follow.

Don’t try to push your will into a situation due to fear.

Pull me into the middle of your prayers!”

lenten meditation

Don’t Miss Rev. Patty’s latest podcast episode, “The Compassionate Heart of Christ – Lent – Week 2

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