The Aftermath- A Preview

“My cry goes to the Lord. Indeed, I cry to God for help and for him to listen to me.” (Ps. 77)


As faithful followers of my blog, I want to say, Thank You for hanging in there, as we’ve transitioned into a new way of being.

As directed by God, NOW is the appointed time to share this information with you. I’ve been sitting on my hands, waiting for His Divine Timing. It’s like watching a flower open slowly, from a time of respite.

“God’s divine timing is flawless, no matter what’s going on in one’s life!”

Recently, I found myself feeling a bit under the weather and was looking for some “Good Orderly Direction.” My ‘go to’ is God and scripture. If you are struggling with physical, spiritual, emotional stuff, I encourage you to do the same.

“I AM nearer to you than breathing!”

We live in a world of technology that evolves and changes as we do, enabling us to stay connected by the swipe of a hand or click of a mouse.

Yesterday, we received a hand-written note from someone we did not know offering words of encouragement, which included scripture references. The envelope was addressed to my husband. As he read the note to me, I knew the message was meant for me.

This is the 2nd time, since the pandemic began, that I’ve received correspondence from someone I did not know offering prayer and encouragement. Back in April, I received another hand-written note from a clergy sister that I’ve never met, reaching out and across the miles.

In each situation, when I pray and ask for help, He answers. We have to be open to the venue He chooses…

Be Ye Encouraged

“Due to the pandemic, our lives have been changed in ways we never even thought of. But there is good news. In the Bible, here is what God promises:

“And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and death shall be no more neither shall there be any more sorrow nor crying nor pain; for the former things are passed away.” (Rev. 21:4)

The Aftermath – A Preview

In December of 2019, I heard these words, “The Aftermath” and received this vision:

I was standing at the entrance of a cave, with my arms stretched out in prayer. I noticed a light emanating around and within me, preparing the way, “The Light comes from God and not us.”

“He alone stretches out the heavens.” (Job. 9)

Off in the distance was an opening; a small walkway into another dimension with a tile floor outlined in gold,

“In my Father’s house there are many dwelling places!”

As I stepped into this dimension, everything was so bright. The road had a shiny, tile surfaced outlined in gold.

“How did I get here?”

Intrigued? Stay connected via Rev. Patty’s Inspiration Station blog. I will be back in touch with details about our up-coming virtual chat, “The Aftermath- The Quiet Work”, coming up this Wednesday, November 4, 2020 @ 3:00 p.m.

“There are no coincidences, only God moments!”

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