Spread Your Vines & Grow

Beyond the Pulpit

“Remember how you transplanted us here like a tender vine from Egypt. You cleared the land for your vineyard, evicting the nations from your land and planting us here. The roots of your vineyard went deep into the soil and filled the land with fruit.” (Ps. 80:8)

Hello Kindred Soul’s,

The “Patty Patch” houses my Sweet Potatoes and Peanuts that I planted at the end of May. I bought the potato slips and raw peanuts at my local farmer’s market. I had no idea what to expect. This section of the garden was an experiment, taking on a life of its own.

As the potato vines began to spread, I thought it would be a good idea to move the peanuts by putting them in a different location. I was concerned they would not be good companions on the journey. Well, you know how it goes; I have a plan and God has a plan.

Within a few weeks, more peanut leaves were popping up and reaching towards the sky; both plants with a story to tell.

Into the Garden

Meet “Ipomea”, a wild potato bloom and member of the Morning Glory family that appeared among the greens!

“God has blessed us and laid a new path at our feet*, “I am the sprouting vine and you’re my branches. As you live in union with me as your source, fruitfulness will stream from within you—but when you live separated from me you are powerless.” (Jn 15:5)*

Connect with the Inner Ticker of Life

Tune into “Spread Your Vines & Grow” for the rest of today’s message. At the end of the podcast, I will be praying with you…

Keep in Touch: I Want to Hear From You!

*Awakening the Inner Ticker of Life

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