
Imagine how Simeon felt when he saw Jesus in the temple. Was he moved? Yes. He was led by the power of the Holy Shekinah Spirit; being in the temple at the time Jesus’ parents entered, with perfect divine timing.

“I will lead you in the way you need to go.”

Simeon believed in the imminent appearing of the one called “The Refreshing of Israel.” 

“With my own eyes I have seen Your Word, the Revelation of Light for all people.”(Lk. 2)

I love this line taken from “Reversed Thunder”…

“Christ’s gaze penetrates and purifies. He does not look at us, he looks into us.” (E. Peterson)

For someone to look into us, they have to know us; perhaps even love us? It is truly an intimate spiritual experience.

Further Reflection:

How do we present ourselves to Christ?

Do we come to Him with open hands and hearts; allowing him to gaze upon us or do we recoil with doubt or unworthiness?

“Jesus was seen, touched and heard before written about.” (RT)

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