Overcoming Hurdles

Beyond the Pulpit

What’s rocking your world? Need a breakthrough?

Walking in Destiny & Living the Dream can sometimes be difficult, especially when there are obstacles or hindrances obstructing one’s path.

Hurdles can be small stones or large rocks that impede one’s journey. Worry not!

“There will always be rough patches in life.”*

Stand Tall…

“From the ends of the earth, I cry unto thee. When my heart is overwhelmed, lead me to the rock that is higher than I.” (Ps. 61:2)

The Spirit Speaks…

“There have been many hurdles to overcome in your life. You have walked over them; sometimes with grace and sometimes kicking and screaming. I have come so that you can have an abundant life, not a life of drudgery and pain.”

Into the Garden

Here is a little trivia question for you. Remember Cabbage Patch dolls? This week, meet my “Cabbage Patch” Babies. This is my first year growing cabbage and it has taken over the green house.

The Lord told me, “Everything you need for your healing is at your fingertips” and cabbage is one of those super foods!

Connect with the Inner Ticker of Life

Tune into today’s podcast, “Overcoming Hurdles” to keep the conversation going…

Keep in Touch: I Want to Hear From You!

*Awakening the Inner Ticker of Life

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