In May of 2010, I had a bird family move into my recycled plastic bags in my front garden area. It was strange. God was sending me a message. I needed to pay attention.
I watched the parents build a nest in the bags; meticulous and persistent, bringing in twigs and such. Soon there were eggs and then baby birds.
The parents were vigilant caring for the little ones, just as God cares for us; providing all of our needs and some of our wants.
Soon, the babies grew up. They began to take flight and leave the nest one by one.
There was one little guy left behind; struggling and squawking, needing extra support. A day later, the little guy took off.
There will come a time in one’s life that we may be embarking on a new journey or leaving behind that which does not work or serve any universal purpose. When this happens, God will provide the assistance, time and place to get us “Into Flight.”
Happy Sunday!
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