Hand to Plough

wheel barrow

“Put out in the deep and let down your net.”

“As you walk in Christ’s footsteps, do not be surprised at his words:

 “Whoever puts his hand to the plough cannot look back.”

Jesus invites us to leave behind all bitterness, anger, resentment and regret. Today, we are visiting Luke’s Gospel, Chapter 5. Jesus is on the move. He spots the guys trying to catch some fish and tells them:

 “From now on you will be catching people.”

I am a huge fan of Brother Roger, founder of Taize and his writings. I like the analogy of putting one’s hand to the plough; moving forward in life and not looking back.

Life has a funny way of evolving. It keeps spinning whether we are aware or not; stuff happens that is not part of ‘our’ plan.

I will admit; it is hard at times to not look back. If I do, I stumble all the way trying to move forward; interfering with what God really has in store for me.

“They left everything and followed him.”

Who or what are you following?

Happy Son Day for Sunday!

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