God’s Secret Joy

“So leap for joy, since your heavenly reward is great.” (Mt. 5:12)

Son Day for Sunday

Over this last year, we have witnessed physical, emotional and spiritual upheaval; with lives turned upside down, manifesting an atmosphere of despair and hopelessness.

When disaster strikes; as it did with Covid-19, it is hard to shake off the dust in order to move forward. We have some footwork to do. We have to go deep; walking out our destiny with God. Is this possible? Yes, everything is possible with God.

“Going deep means we are sent forth into diverse spaces for healing. Disturbances found within relate to cracks deep in the ocean floor that open up revealing a veil of shadow. The churning of the water stimulates one’s emotional condition.”*

Take comfort, dear ones; we have one who waits for us to return to His path. In doing so, we encounter God’s overflowing love for us as His Secret Joy.

 “God wants to get us into an intimate relationship with Himself; to get us in touch with His purposes.” Are we missing Jesus’ message, “I have come to give you everything in abundance, more than you expect—life in its fullness until you overflow.” (Jn. 10)

Kindred Soul:

When you have a good friend, you tell that friend everything; the good and the not so good. What about God? What are you sharing with him? He longs to have an intimate relationship with you.

Ready to discover God’s Secret Joy?

This week: Think about living a life of joyful abundance. Share what it means to you by leaving a comment!

“I will sing my song of joy to you, the Most High, for in all of this you have strengthened my soul.” (Ps. 13:6)

*Awakening the Inner Ticker of Life

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