“Whoever drinks of the water that I give her/him will never be thirsty again.” (Jn.4)
The Spiritual Call is all about God’s Divine Timing; growing where one is planted and preparing for the next leg of the journey.
In the Gospel of John, Chapter 4, Jesus meets the “Woman at the Well.”
There are key points in relation to the encounter between Jesus and the Samarian woman:
First, Jesus asks for a drink; totally out of context for that era. The woman is taken off guard and Jesus responds, “If you knew the ‘Gift of God’ and who it is who says to you; ‘Give me a drink,’ you would have asked him and he would have given you living water.”
Jesus speaks to ‘Jody’ (I always felt she should have a name) about her life and truth is revealed. She did not cower away, but accepted the invitation and drew closer to the Light. We have to be prepared to answer God’s call when he draws near.
Jesus describes of that which is to come; not being defined by whether one belongs to a church community or meets God online or in the moment.
How and where we worship or commune with God is anywhere we are called to be “his hands and feet.”
Freedom is leaving it all behind; not looking back to what was, but embracing what is; in search of the Spirit and Truth, “Believe me, the hour comes, when neither in this mountain, nor in Jerusalem, will you worship God.”
“Those who follow God, do so in Spirit and Truth.”(Jn.4)
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