“The mystery is a plan for fullness of time; a predestined purpose, according to God’s will.” (Eph 1)
In the garden, one of the plants I like to grow is Motherwort, also known as “Lions Tail.” There is a hint of strength is this tiny blessing of creation. Motherwort has healing properties that works on many levels. The seed is small (see pic) and requires delicate care when planting in the prepared soil; not too much water and don’t bury it too deep. Mother likes to be a bit closer to the surface, taking in the warmth of the morning sun.
Every plan (plant) in life begins as a seed. What is the source and where does it come from? “Every plant my Mother and Father in heaven has not planted will be rooted up and destroyed. Every plan that comes from heaven will not be dissolved.”
Once the seed takes hold, it will break through the soil and begin to bud, “Anyone who believes and has faith; beginning with the grain of a mustard seed, will do the works I do and greater!”
Mothers; when raising their children, scatter love as seeds of hope that one day their son or daughter will blossom and grow, according to God’s purpose. All the inspiration, goals and dreams prepared by God are interwoven within the seed.
On this Mother’s day, regardless of who you are; prepare the ground and scatter the seed. The seed is the foundation of spiritual growth on one’s awesome journey with God.
May you be blessed!
“Take my staff of strength. Let it blossom and grow within you.”
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