“Don’t Look Back, Look Up!”
“There are doors in every direction and every dimension. When we open doors initiated by God, good flows out. When we open a door not stirred by the Spirit, darkness and havoc can flow through.”
Son Day for Sunday Message:
The door is now closed and there is nothing to return to. When I close a spiritual door, do not open it for any reason.
How many times have to I told you…
“The Doors I Have Closed, Stop Opening Them!”
For all that was, is no more. It is not in defeat, but in victory, that we continue our walk, together.
As we proceed, 2×2 (me & you), we pause and recall how far we have come together on this spiritual trek.
In moving forward there is such freedom; the old woman/man is left behind, never to be heard from again.
“The Doors I Have Opened, Stop Closing Them!”
Pick up the mantle that has been given to you. See it as a coat of many colors and proceed forth.
“Yeshua said to him, ‘Get up, pick up your mat and walk!’ Immediately the man was healed, and he picked up his mat and walked.” (Jn. 5:8)
Are you ready? Hope so, see you soon!
“I can’t tell you how many times I’ve plodded along; wondering which way to turn and then heard these inspiring words, “Don’t look back, look up and see all the greatness I have in store for you” encouraging me to chart a new course.” (Awakening the Inner Ticker of Life, 79)
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