God Makes it Happen!
“For Many, It is Impossible to Believe One is blessed. “ In this Hour, remember… You are among those most richly blessed. Why? “With God…Everything is Possible, Probable, Practical and …
A Ministry of Hope & Healing
“For Many, It is Impossible to Believe One is blessed. “ In this Hour, remember… You are among those most richly blessed. Why? “With God…Everything is Possible, Probable, Practical and …
“You’ve been given the mystery of God’s Kingdom.”
“I will destroy the years that the locusts have stolen; from root to branch, everlasting to everlasting.”
“God gives, we receive; if we ask and believe.”
“My peace; not as the world gives but as I give. The world cannot give you what I give to you.”
“Do not neglect the gift that is in you.” (1Ti)
“I am giving you My Perfect Shalom; My Perfect Peace in Being and My Perfect Love!”
“I bring you tidings of great joy, which is for all people!” (Lk. 2)
God knows what we need, when we need it; giving to us what we dare not ask of him in prayer.