Cast that Net – Follow Me!

“All who were with him were amazed.” (Lk. 5)

Never has there been a time such as this. Humanity is crumbling and yearns to be set free.

Many have built their spiritual foundations on sand and have become disillusioned with life; “that which is old is not working anymore.”

Get busy. Cast those nets and go deep. Why? You are not alone. There are other kindred souls out there in the same boat.

Throw out those old blue prints. Design a new plan for living, creating a foundation that stands on solid or holy ground; one that will surpass all time, reflected in the Light of the Risen Christ.

Remember what Jesus said, “Don’t be afraid. From now on you will be catching more than fish.”

“They caught a great multitude. Their nets were breaking.” (Lk.5)

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