“Speak to my children and tell them to move forward.”
In her book “The Wisdom of Florence S. Shinn” the author uses the backdrop of the Crossing of the Red Sea; describing how the locusts of doubt and fear can dog you at every turn.
When God’s children were crying out, he told Moses, “I have come to deliver them out of darkness and into a land flowing with milk and honey.”
We have a tendency to look at the road block in front of us, instead of finding an alternative route. This is an easy trap to fall into when life unexpectedly takes a swipe at us. It is not always easy to see the forest through the trees.
When meeting challenges in life or ministry there is always a wilderness to pass through before one reaches her/his Promised Land; not everyone gets it or understands.
Recently, when dealing with a difficult situation and under extreme pressure due to time constraints, I needed help. I searched the internet and found two companies that could assist with what I needed to be done.
The first person I spoke with couldn’t help. I didn’t give up. I dialed the 2nd number and the person on the other end had a cancellation and would help us to lighten the load; a window opened.
Shinn writes, “Each one of you has a Promised Land, a heart’s desire; but you have been so enslaved by your negative thoughts, it seems very far away and too good to be true. You consider trusting God a very risky proposition.”
God always steps in on the 11th hour whether we are aware of it or not.
“I can’t tell you how many times I’ve plodded along wondering which way to turn and then heard these inspiring words, “Don’t look back, look up and see all the greatness I have in store for you” encouraging me to chart a new course.”*
“My Light is like a sword. I will come to clear the fields of darkness. The fruit (Spirit and Truth) that is ripe will already be harvested and that which is rotten will wither away and die.”
*Awakening the Inner Ticker of Life, pg. 81
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