God is Looking for You!
“God loves you and must have a voice through which to speak.”(Agnes Sanford)
Are you looking for God? Put yourself where He can find you.
God finds me in the silence of prayer or while working and walking in the garden.
I am preparing for a new season now, planting seed, etc.
Blooms appear and the smell of sweet citrus floats around the yard, a sign of hope.
In this Season of Lent, we get a second chance to take another pass at life, just as the plants do; an opportunity to blossom and grow with God.
We continue our journey with Jesus and watch for signs of renewal; discovering that which is hidden, to reveal itself to us in the Word.
As we bear fruit, God acknowledges our growth with a promise to discard all dead debris; removing it completely to begin again!
God is looking for you, have you found him?
“The Word of God is living and powerful, even to the division of soul and spirit; to the point that no deception can remain.” (Heb. 4)
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