Christ’s Whisper

Beyond the Pulpit

Jesus is whispering, are you listening?

He is there; knocking on the door of your heart and stirring your Spirit, “If you need me, I Am there!”

Listen for the still small voice within, “In the midst of chaos; find me in the silence of the Spirit, in the whisper of the wind.”

Stand Tall…

Just before the turn of the new year; while standing at the altar, I felt the presence of Jesus. He was standing on my right and whispered in my ear, “Do you hear what I hear?” It was a humbling and powerful moment and has set the stage for all to hear “Christ’s Whisper”, our theme for 2024!

The Spirit Speaks…

“It is in the depths, the reaches beyond you will find me; in a word, a whisper, or a song.

Be in that word, whisper or song.

Be in me—be in my presence forever.

You know what the truth is – live it!

You know what my will is – believe it!

You know what my love is – embrace it!”*

Breathe in and breathe out…

Into the Garden

“In a whisper, in a song, I greet you when all seems wrong.”*

Tune In & Connect with the Inner Ticker of Life

Keep in Touch: I Want to Hear From You!

*Awakening the Inner Ticker of Life

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