“And in the fourth watch of the night he came to them, walking on the sea.”
During the “Fourth Watch” while the wind and waves were blowing, Jesus walked towards them. He intended to go past them, but saw that they were in serious trouble. He paused.
“I am walking towards the boat. Will you get out of the boat to come closer to me or will you stay in your comfort zone in the boat; even though, in the boat the world is rocking and shaking?”
Every day, the nature of humanity is sinking lower and lower into despair; fewer people are praying than ever before. There is a need that is growing and it is a call to prayer.
When the “Inner Ticker” stirs between 3 am and 6 am; get up and pray.
“In the days of darkness my elect shall not sleep. They shall pray incessantly, and they shall not be disappointed.” We shall not be disappointed. Does that offer you a bit of hope? It does for me.
“If you are symbolically and figuratively ready, get up and step out of the boat.”
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