Have you Lost Your Footing?
“Wear my peace like a loose garment. Make sure to wrap it all the way around you when you stumble, in order to regain your footing.”
A Ministry of Hope & Healing
“Wear my peace like a loose garment. Make sure to wrap it all the way around you when you stumble, in order to regain your footing.”
“You are covered in ‘My Shalom’; wear it like a loose garment.”
“When you are out and about, bask in the Light of Christ!”
To view the “Prophetic Passages” teaching for this week or to listen to the latest Podcast message, click on Lion
“Without warning, the backside of the storm hit causing more damage.” For more on this timely Son Day for Sunday Message, click on Back
“Eternal God is our refuge.” Many are in way over their head financially, emotionally and physically. It’s a load too much for one to bear. The water is deep and …
“The Eternal God is thy refuge and underneath are his everlasting arms.” For more on this Prophetic Passage, click on Long
“Put on the ‘Whole Armor’ that God gives you. Don’t leave home without it!”
Dress for success: Put on your Shoes of Peace, Belt of Truth, Sword of the Spirit, Shield of Faith, Breastplate of Righteousness and the Helmet of Hope.
Visit God’s Firewall for this week’s Prophetic Passage!