Joyfully Created by Me
As a Child of God, “You are to live, breathe and be, and reflect the best part of me.”
A Ministry of Hope & Healing
As a Child of God, “You are to live, breathe and be, and reflect the best part of me.”
I Will Never Be Defeated… I praise you, God, you have kept me safe. I cried to you for help and you healed me. I was on my way to …
“Heaven is yours, the Earth also; You made the World and Everything in it.” (Ps. 89:11) We are entering the time known as spring; a time of humble beginnings. We …
“Sing, Dance, Play and Be. Be the Best Part of Me in You!”
Opening Prophetic Passage “You did not choose me. I chose you.” Message for Today: “Why did I choose you? I want you to experience my eternal hope and joy.” “Join …
“Joy is Me; in Me!” It is the joy you so often seek, yet fail to embrace. Joy is the reward of patiently seeking me in the midst of dark …
The heavens celebrate your birth: “Glory to God in the highest, and peace to God’s people on earth”, and it came to pass. Birthing is about the wonderment of …