Appointed & Anointed

“Make known the mystery of God’s will, according to God’s purpose; as a plan for fullness of time, a predestined time, according to God’s will.” (Eph.1)

“In the heart of every person is a passionate desire to know that he or she is fulfilling the purpose for which they have been placed here on this earth. Have you found it? Found that one thing that is worthy of your one life?

Assuming that you have indeed found it, let me now ask — how’s it going?

If you’ve been at it for any appreciable length of time then you know by now that the journey is no cake walk. It is not a stroll through the park on a blissful Sunday afternoon. No. The path has many turns – up turns and down turns, ditches on both sides, potholes aplenty, and mounds of debris inconveniently strewn all about.

This will always be the case in every soul who follows Christ up Calvary’s mountain. Despite the trudge of each deliberate step, an unmistakable tone of triumph attends their every move – for each move is always onward and ever upward. And the Lord, who has gone victorious before us, will welcome us with open arms on the day we cross over the finish line.” (e-sword)

“They shall walk and not faint.” (Is.40)

Click on Rev. Patty’s Podcast #3 below that accompanies today’s teaching and Be Ye Inspired!
Appointed & Anointed


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