A Gathering of Friends


Gathering Prayer

 “Jesus, Thank You for the blessing of this gathering.
Continue weaving us together in Unity and Love!”


Sacred Walk Home: Meeting kindred spirits in the moment, where the rubber meets the road along the highways and by-ways of life; lifting another up, out of despair and into the Light.

A Ministry of Hope & Healing: We are called to be Christ’s hands and feet; in motion and without walls. We gather together, ministering to one another in the moment; following Christ’s teachings and incorporating these spiritual lessons, one-day-at-time!

We come from every walk of life allowing the Spirit of God to lead the way.

God is patient, precise and has a mission, “For everything there is a season, and a time for every purpose under heaven!”

The Journey:

Connecting with kindred souls; existing outside the confines of the institutional church, the host of humanity slipping through the cracks of life. 

“To find hope is to heal from burdens that weigh one down, in this ever-changing world”.

Get ready to be part of “God’s Next Great Adventure”

Sacred Walk Home, A Ministry of Hope & Healing

 Sacred Walk Home

 “I know thy works; behold, I have set before you an open door.”

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