A Sense of Belonging

“I have not called you to be anyone other than who you are!”

While preparing for this Son Day for Sunday post, I came across a message I received in 2001. I felt the Spirit urging me to pass it on to my faithful readers. I pray this message speaks to you and moves you in a new direction:

“Re-acquaint yourselves with matters of the Spirit instead of issues of the world. Leave the worldly matters to God and all will be well.

When I first contacted you in 1994, I did not ask what your denomination was; what church you went to or if you were a theological scholar?  I asked you to quiet yourself and listen to the words I wish to share with all who come in contact with you.

Now for spiritual matters: It is not written anywhere that you have to attend any church or body thereof.

Many desire to come together in community and fellowship in a physical location and there are those who seek alternative paths for connecting.

If you choose to be part of a community, support that community in prayer whether in a building, on the road or on-line!”

“Pray for one another, because that is the greatest gift you can give to one in need!”

*If you are interested in participating in an on-line community, visit

 “Sacred Walk Home, A Ministry of Hope & Healing” FB group; an online “Gathering of Friends” without Walls or Borders. 

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